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Celebrate World Spine Day on October 16, 2021

world spine day

October is National Spine Health Awareness Month and the 16th marks this year’s World Spine Day.

The purpose of World Spine Day is to highlight the burden of spine pain and other spinal conditions that people across the world face on a daily basis. Keep scrolling to learn more about World Spine Day as well as ways to improve your spinal health.

About World Spine Day

This day is an opportunity for healthcare workers, parents, schoolchildren, advocates and more to come together to bring awareness to the importance of spine health. On World Spine Day, you’ll find many businesses, hospitals and schools sharing why good posture, exercise and healthy working conditions are important to maintaining a solid spine.

The Importance of Spine Health

According to, more than one billion people across the globe suffer with spine pain. Without the spine you wouldn’t be able to run, dance, walk, stand or even sit up straight. Your spine helps you be able to move both freely and safely while also protecting your spinal cord. If you want to live an active and healthy lifestyle, keeping your spine healthy is a necessity. [Source: University of Maryland Medical Center]

How to Keep Your Spine Healthy

In a 2020 article by Spine Health, they detail five ways to keep your spine healthy. These ways include using a firm mattress so your spine can rest at night, doing ab and back strengthening exercises, using supportive shoes, getting massages and spending less time sitting. While some of these examples like purchasing a firm mattress or getting a massage are costly, the other three examples are quite simple and free! This month, we’d like to challenge you with incorporating one or more of these actions into your routine. Then, at the end of the month, assess and see where your spine health has improved and where it could use some more nurturing. 

How Petersen Neurospine Can Help You

Are you experiencing back pain that’s chronic or debilitating? If so, it’s time to come in for a consultation with Dr. Petersen. At our office, we’re devoted exclusively to the treatment of your spine. Along with Dr. Petersen, we employ the most highly-trained physical therapists and advanced practitioners whose goal is to help you live your best life. If you’ve been on the fence about scheduling an appointment with us, use World Spine Day and National Spine Health Awareness Month as your catalyst to change your life and your spine for the better.


Dr. Bendt P. Petersen is an orthopaedic and neurospine surgical specialist with over twenty years in operative clinical practice. He is a fellowship-trained surgeon whose practice is the only one in the Mobile-area devoted exclusively to the treatment of your spine.

The Center for Spine Health employs the most advanced operative and non-operative therapies in concert with the most highly-trained physical therapists and other advanced ancillary practitioners to help you live the life you want to live.

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